• Capital_blue-1


  • Population_blue

    28.8 Million

  • Size_blue

    147,181 sq km

  • currency_blue

    Nepalese Rupee

  • Language_blue


  • Time Zone_blue
    Time Zone

    UTC +5.45

  • visa_blue

    Visa required

Best of India
14 Days

Prices from CAD 9,725 per person

A sunrise cruise on the Ganges, a morning flight over the Himalayas to behold the drama of Everest, a dinner in the home of an Indian family… this itinerary brings you the history and adventure of India with all the extra touches that will enrich every memory. From Mumbai to Kathmandu, you’ll explore the spectacle and the pageantry of these exceptional destinations.

Nepal: Chitwan
3 Days

Prices from CAD 1,230 per person

The Chitwan National Park is the first National park in Nepal and a World Heritage site. Here you will find numerous species of mammals, birds, and fish. The park is especially known for its protection of the One Horned Rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tiger, and the Gharial Crocodile.

Nepal: Kathmandu
4 Days

Prices from CAD 930 per person

Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital is a melting pot of cultures. It blends tradition with the modern world. During your stay, visit historic sites, ancient temples, and shrines as well as a flight over the majestic Himalayas.

3 Days

Prices from CAD 1,355 per person

Known as a gateway to the Annapurna Circuit, Pokhara is a city on Phewa Lake, the second largest in Nepal. Enjoy a visit to Devi’s Fall, Seti Gorge and hike up to the Sarangkot Tower to get the best view of the entire Annapurna Range and Pokhara Valley.

Splendors of India & Nepal
14 Days

Prices from CAD 6,400 per person

The charm of India lies in its diversity and its elusive quality. As an insight to the cultural and historical diversity of India, combining the tranquility of Nepal, the vibrancy of the Gangentic plains and the colors of Rajasthan, this journey allows the visitor to see and experience the glorious and mystical India.